Frankoy D.A. | Étude de cas 1 - Frankoy D.A.

Étude de cas 1 / La première !!!

Étude de cas 1

Sed quid est quod in hac causa maxime homines admirentur et reprehendant meum consilium, cum ego idem antea multa decreverim, que magis ad hominis dignitatem quam ad rei publicae necessitatem pertinerent? Supplicationem quindecim dierum decrevi sententia mea. Rei publicae satis erat tot dierum quot C. Mario ; dis immortalibus non erat exigua eadem gratulatio quae ex maximis bellis. Ergo ille cumulus dierum hominis est dignitati tributus.


Name: The original name refers to a possibly
exhaustive creative process. On the contrar y,
the idea is to offer consumers selected
options to easily turn par ts into the desk of
their choice.

Application: Changes must adapt to the
existing platform. How will it be possible to
make application more dynamic and friendly
without going back to the beginning?

Sweepstake: In raising product interest, how
can a social media trend be star ted for users
to design their own desk and provoke a word
of mouth effect


Name: The original name refers to a possibly
exhaustive creative process. On the contrar y,
the idea is to offer consumers selected
options to easily turn par ts into the desk of
their choice.

Application: Changes must adapt to the
existing platform. How will it be possible to
make application more dynamic and friendly
without going back to the beginning?

Sweepstake: In raising product interest, how
can a social media trend be star ted for users
to design their own desk and provoke a word
of mouth effect